Personal challenge


They said, if you are going to study abroad- you don't need to know the language in your host-country. It is easy for me to communicate in English since I'm here. All the classes are held in English also. But there is one thing: the willingness of ordering an cornetto al pistachio in Italian! Just to feel more fancy. So I did the challenge with myself- staring from February I've downloaded Duolingo app and having those "online classes" online I took my Italian from VERY basic on just normal BASIC level. What is an upgrade anyway! I will definitely keep going with this. What I can say about Italian? Easy language to learn- especially if you know another foreign language already. It is a mix with Spanish and French words, but most of them sounds that impressive that you just want to learn and pronounce it perfectly! 

Quick update about classes and zones regarding COVID situation? Zones are changing from Red to Orange to Yellow as quickly as you can blink you eye. Classes at NABA are held online all the time. I don't see any light to change it for the rest of the academic year, but let's hope for best! We have vaccine already so it will be only better now :)
